Monday, January 31, 2011

Gay Christian blasts "bigoted" Madden...


Just thought I would write a brief update regarding Peter Madden
(Christian Democratic Party) & his attack on Sydney Mardi Gras - 

Just so you all know:

SameSame have written an article about my YouTube response video! I am very grateful for them doing this as it gives Gay Christian's a great platform in the media & is causing people to actully discuss the issue of being both Gay & Christian & what it means.

Check It Out!  :-)

Jesus Is Lord


  1. Hi Sam

    Greetings from the US. I stumbled unto the video on youtube with you speaking towards the anti gay pastor's mardi gras rant and I just had to commend you on your tact and grace. I am gay and Christan as well (not religious anymore) and I am always impressed when someone speaks on such subjects with respect for the opinions of others. Good luck on your endeavors

  2. Hey Anton! Thanks for the message, means alot to me! Its always an encouragement when other Gay Christians all around the place! Sendx me an email, I would love to hear your Testimony!Were living in exciting times - God is starting to move in the LGBT Community here in Sydney! Keep checkinbg out my YouTube channel & Blog for updates in the next few weeks! Thanks again. :)
